XiaoZhiyun, male, PhD, Professor, master supervisor. He is selected as the SecondLevel of 321 Talent Project in the new century in autonomous region, and theacademic leader of Control science and Engineering.
He graduated from Jilin Institute ofTechnology with a bachelor's degree in industrialautomation in 1998. In 2001, he graduatedfrom Inner Mongolia University of Technology (IMUT) with a master's degree intheory and control engineering. In 2005, he received PhDdegree of the pattern recognition and intelligent system doctorate inInstitute of automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) and then startedhis teaching career in IMUT. In 2010, he went to CASIAas a Western Light Visiting Scholar. In 2017, he went toHunan University as a Domestic Visiting Scholar of YoungBackbone Teachers in Colleges and Universities.
He is principal investigator of 1 National NaturalScience Fund project and 3 provincial and ministerial level projects, andparticipated 2 National Natural Science Fund project. Hepublished nearly 20 academic papers and 1 Monographs in core journals andinternational conferences.
Themain research direction: the image and video processing, machine vision andapplication, wavelet analysis and application, pattern recognition and intelligentcontrol algorithm.